Thursday, September 25, 2008
thE day when aLL wenT wr0ng....
hari tu, ade member nie yg hadapi hari yg susah dLm id0p diE. dLm perjLnan baLik dr kerja, m0t0rsikaL die tibe tibe x nak bergerak pLak. mLm tu, die iLang handph0nE pLak. cube teka modeL handphonE per? n95! (kLo sy yg iLang handpHone nie.. mesti da nangiS). ketika itu, saat itu, saya sedar inilah yg dinamakan kehidupan. tidak semUa dLm idop nie semPurna dan BerjLn lancar seperti manEr yg kiter harapkan. dLm perjLanan idop kite, kite akan hadapi suke duke manis pahit kehidopan. pancaroba dan dugaan yg x penah habEs. kadang kadang, kiter akan leteh dLm menghadapi semua itu. kite akan hampir putus asa, tertanya tanya kenapa idop kite ditimpa masaLah. kiter nangis utk menghilangkan rasa kecewa kiter. lpas nangis, kite leteh, kiter tido. biLe kite bangun, kiter tgk baLik dan kiter paham bahawa ituLah namanyer kehidupan. buKan kehidupan namanYer sekiranya semuanyer berjLn dengan Lancar. sesungguhnyEr, terimaLa ape yg Tuhan bagi kePada kite kerana sesungguhnYer die lebeh tau apa yang baik utk kite...


posted by OwL @ Thursday, September 25, 2008   3 comments
bahaGiLa cinta dEngan sEadiLnyEr...

biLe anda dibEri piLihan, piLihLa denGan adiL..
biLe anda mempunYai piLihan, piLihLa denGan adiL..
biLe anda mampu memiLiki kedua dua hati..
ingatlah cinta itu bukan jaLinan dua hati tetapi paduan dua jiwa..
piLihLa dengan tepat tanpa menyakiti Semua Pihak..


posted by OwL @ Thursday, September 25, 2008   2 comments
what beautifuL means to you? BeautifuL, h0t, sexy girLs 0r w0men that made y0u want t0 kiss and hug at that m0ment? In seeking f0r the true meaning 0f beautifuL, suddenly i come acr0ss to this articLe. HerE, what are really beautifuL means;
  • f0r attractive lips, speak words of kindness,
  • for lovely eyes, seek out the good in people,
  • f0r a slim figure, share your food with the hungry,
  • for beautiful hair, let a child run his/ her fingers through it once a day,
  • for poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone
remember, if your need a helping hand, y0u will find one at the end of each of our arms. as we grow 0lder, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping ourself nad the other for helping others.


posted by OwL @ Thursday, September 25, 2008   0 comments
oUr LiFe....oUr L0vE...

In this life,Love can come and it can go. We laugh because of it, we smiLe because of it, and we cry because of it. it is painfuL!. It begins with friendship. Some onLy realisE it when it is gone. Just so that they could feel appreciated… Some believe that their love is foreva. f0r s0me of us, finally realiSe that Life is n0t a fantasy story. We need t0 start over again.F0r the saKe 0f dream, it is n0t wr0ng f0r us to make sacrifies. When 0ur heart breakS d0wn in the face 0f reality, then cry. Cry as much as you want. but, never allow your heart to continue weakening. n0 matter h0w well we know a pers0n, we still have no right t0 judge them. In the LifE, we have to lEt go and keep 0n living. The m0re we wait, the ore timE we waste. It begins with our hearts, our fantasy, and our dream. n0 matter how high we Stand, 0ur principLes may waver because of love. It is because, we are humam beings. We are apt t0 dr0wn when our love is frail. We mustgather our strength and beLieve in 0ur instincts. Just ADMITS it. Profess our Love towards that onE pers0n.


posted by OwL @ Thursday, September 25, 2008   0 comments
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Name: OwL
Home: sarawak, Malaysia
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