Sejak dua tiGa hari kebeLakangan nie, teraslah buhsan teramat. XtaU naK wat Per daH. Kater x Da KerJa, x Gak. KerJa berLambak Lambak tuh. HoweVer, it feLt boring. Even, FeLling want t0 updaTe buT stiLL taraK ada Idea. X taHu mo tuLis aPa.
yesTerdaY is VaLentine daY. Love is in thE aiR. HaPPy VaLentinedDay to aLL yah.. TerlEwat Sehari jer. hikhik. YesTerday, sempeNa ngan Hari VaLentine, Maktab ku wat sambuTan hari UntukMu paLestine. Aku turun paDang gak. TaPi, samPai setengaH, akU bLah. xLah buhsan samButan tuh tp... just aKu tarak ada kawaN. kawaN kawaN sekuRsus tarak ada yang turUn ataU aKU x perasAn di0rang x taU la kan.
minGGu dePan, s0k arI Isnin. EE, adA itU keLas researcH ooo. aLamak, cant imagine, wat WiLL happened. hikhik. ReLieve nYer is, next week, wiLL be kursus pergigian for our Batch and KPLI. That means, no nEed enter clASS research f0r Tuesday and ThursdaY.
howeVer, there is Check giGi on Wednesday. ALamak, niE yang buat butterfLy fLying in da stomach ne. Dah Lama x g check gigi dah. Gigi aKu namPak Jer cantek but insidE dun knowLa..
tHis entrY is just LittLe bit of previEw what i Will do f0r next week. nanT akU upLoad deTaiL detaILnYer ek.. tiLL theN..